Intensives on combat moral and psychological training

A 12-hour program (6 modules) of intensive training in combat psychology.


Intensives on combat moral and psychological training

A 12-hour program (6 modules) of intensive training in combat psychology.


The program is designed to last 12 hours and covers the most important aspects of moral and psychological training of soldiers.


The 6 modules contain the most important things: concentrated knowledge “without water”, practical individual tasks, and small group work.


The psychology of combat differs from general military psychology in the applied nature of skills and abilities during combat operations.

Program for moral and combat psychological training

The main modules are provided, while others are created on an individual request. Details are not disclosed.

Module 1.


In this module, the military explores misconceptions related to resilience through a series of famous quotes and poetry. Six key competencies are explored. They discuss what it means to live by the principles of a warrior: “I will always put the mission first”, “I will never accept defeat”, “I will never surrender”, “I will never leave my comrade”.

Module 2.

Neurophysiology of stress

In this module, the military learn what an acute stress reaction and shock are. What are the psychophysiological signs of each of the combat danger levels: white, yellow, red and black (“blackout”). How to provide first aid and respond to panic attacks – your own and your colleague’s. How the delayed response to fear and anxiety works, how it turns into depression and/or PTSD.

Module 3.

Productive thinking

The military analyzes a series of army cases where “thinking traps” are at work, such as jumping to conclusions, overgeneralization, biased confirmation of the desired evidence, and catastrophic thinking. They learn strategies to counteract such mistakes.

Module 4.

Power management

The military learns strategies to restore resources through meditation, prayer, controlled breathing, gradual muscle relaxation, exercise, sleep, creativity, jokes, laughter, and positive imagination.

Module 5.

Strengths of character

The military identifies their strongest traits, learns to identify them in others and use them to overcome difficulties.A series of army quotes and videos about leadership are discussed. A series of photographs of famous people is offered – it is necessary to identify the strengths of each person, as well as how the person uses them. Then the soldiers are organized into small groups and given a task to complete as a unit. At the end of the module, they tell their own stories, “Strength in Challenges.”

Module 6.

Strengthening relationships

The final module is dedicated to strengthening relationships: with families and with each other. Here they learn communication styles – passive, aggressive and assertive. Four styles of response are trained: a) supportive; 2) restrained; 3) ignoring; 4) negative. There is also training on drawings/schemes of situations. During each role-play, the military also focuses on what was said and how it was said, analyzing body language, tone of voice, and emotions conveyed. They describe what impact a particular reaction had on the person who transmitted the message and the person who received it. This module also includes practicing effective praise and appreciation for each other during group tasks.

The training ends with a solemn warrior’s oath